Did you know that as a person gets older, changes occur in all parts of the body, including the brain? Many 50 plus individuals report fogginess of mind, raised levels of anxiety and lack of purpose? Maybe this is ringing true for you? In fact, this was me 3 years ago before I started my meditation practice. Along with other tools, I found a regular meditation practice and it was a game changer for me.
Fogginess in the mind, when you are 50 plus can be caused by “decline in brain function and structure, which can result in risk for cognitive decline, memory deterioration, depression and anxiety.”
Lack of purpose can be caused by diminution in most psychological and physical functioning. Yoga practices, including meditation, can increase meaning and purpose in your life through regular practice.
All of these things happen because you are getting older, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Meditation is an underestimated powerful tool that can help you to reverse aging of the brain and the mind, among other things.

Meditation isn’t just reserved for monks perched atop misty mountains; it’s for everyone, including regular folks in their 50s and beyond, like you and me! In fact, it’s a daily practice that seamlessly integrates into the rhythm of your regular life.
Imagine this: amidst your morning rush, you carve out a few minutes to sit comfortably, maybe at your kitchen table or on your favorite chair. With a warm cup of your favorite beverage in hand, you take a deep breath and gently close your eyes. In these simple yet powerful moments, you shift your focus inward, letting go of the external noise and distractions. As you breathe in and out, you feel the tension melting away, replaced by a deep sense of calm and clarity. It’s not about adding another task to your to-do list; it’s about reclaiming a few moments for yourself amidst the chaos. When you practice every day, this becomes a grounding anchor in your routine, and empowers you to face life’s challenges with resilience and inner peace. Here is a link to a meditation I created for a full body healing: https://youtu.be/q4WknyZbaws

So what exactly is meditation? Meditation is a timeless practice in which you are focusing and clearing your mind using a combination of mental and physical techniques. Depending on the type of meditation you choose, you can meditate to relax, reduce anxiety and stress, and more.
Today’s focus is on how meditation helps with clarity of your mind.
In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of peace and clarity can feel like an elusive pursuit for you, especially as you navigate your life beyond 50. However, meditation is a powerful tool that holds transformative potential for your aging mind.
As you journey through the golden years, your mental well being undergoes subtle yet profound shifts. Of course, you cherish the wisdom accrued over decades, yet may find yourself facing cognitive challenges like forgetfulness or mental fog. However, the practice of meditation helps you to gain inner peace, strengthens and reveals the clarity that is within your mind.
Meditation invites you to step away from the noise of the world and explore the quiet within yourself. It’s like finding a cozy corner in your mind where you can just be.
It is here, amidst the stillness of your breath and the rhythm of your heartbeat, that you discover the profound simplicity of clarity.

As you journey through the complexities of midlife and beyond, your clarity of mind becomes a precious friend that strengthens your decision making, memory retention, and emotional well being. Through regular meditation practice, you will cultivate greater awareness and improved concentration and focus.
So here are 2 ways meditation helps your brain to create more clarity:
- Neuroplasticity and Brain Benefits:
When you look inside a calm mind, you’ll find a lot happening thanks to meditation. Science has shown that meditation has great benefits for persons 50 and beyond.

As you grow older, your brain can still learn and adapt—it’s called neuroplasticity. “Neuroplasticity” refers to your brain’s ability to restructure or rewire itself when it recognizes the need for adaptation. So your neurons have the ability to modify the strength of existing synapses, as well as form new synaptic connections. In other words, it can continue developing and changing throughout your life – 50 plus and beyond! Meditation helps with this by shaping your brain connections to improve memory, learning, and staying resilient. This is so exciting!
- Physical Changes in your Brain.
Also, regular meditation has some incredible benefits for your brain. When you meditate often, certain parts of your brain, like those responsible for attention and processing information, actually grow thicker. This means that they become stronger and more efficient at doing their jobs. As a result, you can think more clearly and focus better on tasks. Not only that, but meditation also has a positive impact on your mood – it can help you feel happier and more content. So, by simply taking a bit of time each day to meditate, you are not only helping your brain work better, but you are also boosting your overall well-being and happiness. Wow, such great benefits for you!

As you wrap up your exploration of meditation’s amazing impact on your brain, let’s remember the exciting potential that lies within you. Within you resides a wealth of untapped potential, waiting to be discovered and unleashed. It’s the spark of creativity that ignites your imagination, the reservoir of strength that empowers you to overcome challenges, and the wellspring of wisdom that guides you on this life’s journey. This potential is boundless and ever-expanding, limited only by the boundaries that you may impose on yourself.
When you engage in practices like meditation, you peel back the layers of doubt and fear that shroud your true essence, revealing new possibilities that lie within you. With each moment of stillness and introspection, you will awaken to the inherent gifts and talents that have been patiently awaiting your recognition.
As you cultivate a deeper connection with yourself through meditation, you will tap into a well of resilience and authenticity that empowers you to navigate life’s twists and turns with grace and confidence. You will embrace your unique strengths and passions, and step boldly into the world, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that come your way.
So, as you embark on this journey of self-discovery and growth, remember that the most exciting adventure of all is the one that unfolds within you. Dare to dream big, dare to believe in yourself, and dare to unleash the boundless potential that lies within you.
Finally, I would love to hear from you if you practiced any form of meditation as I have outlined here. You can email me at KerrineRamsey@crossroadsamit.com
I teach a gentle form of Vinyasa and Restorative yoga to persons 50 plus. If you are interested to delve into a yoga practice or self development coaching and would like some guidance, please get in touch with me and please click this link to see my private service offers
Kerrine Ramsey
Registered Yoga Instructor (500 hrs) – Yoga Alliance ID No.: 361392
Certified Traditional Reiki Practitioner
Certified Magnetic Mind Coach
The content and material presented is for educational and informational purposes only. The content should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. Any case histories presented are provided for illustrative purposes only. No express or implied guarantee of results is made. If you are currently being treated by a physician or other healthcare practitioner for any condition or disease, please consult with that provider prior to changing or modifying any medication treatment program.
- Certain parts of the brain shrink, including those important to learning and other complex mental activities.
- In certain brain regions, communication between neurons may be less effective.
- Blood flow in the brain may decrease.
- Inflammation, which occurs when the body responds to an injury or disease, may increase. https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/brain-health/how-aging-brain-affects-thinking
2. Yoga and the Elderly, Yoga Alliance Webinar, April 14, 2020, Dr. Sat Bir S. Khalsa, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Director of Yoga Research, Yoga Alliance Director of Research, Kundalini Research Institute Editor in Chief, International Journal of Yoga Therapy Research Associate, Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine Research Affiliate, Osher Center for Integrative Medicine.
3. Yoga and the Elderly, Yoga Alliance Webinar, April 14, 2020, Dr. Sat Bir S. Khalsa, Ph.D,
4. “Elderly women with at least 8 years of yoga practice presented greater intra-network anteroposterior brain functional connectivity of the [default mode network]. This finding may contribute to the understanding of the influences of practicing Yoga for a healthier cognitive aging process.” https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnagi.2019.00158/pdf